Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hame Banana Hai

About quarter century back the Youngest PM of this  Great Country - the country of Mahatmas and Siants  - the  first grand child of the first Family pronounced that " Hame Bana Hai" , meaning we must achieve very many things which he did not describe  in detail.
 Since then we have been gradually becoming Banana Republic - thanks to the  majority of the 1.2 Billion sycophants who are ready to deify anything any one.
Indira Priyadharshini was   almost deified as Godess Durga after the 1971 War won by the Indian Military.  After her unfortunate death, her son was  coronated as the uncrowned King by the Indian National Congress ( the party that once lead the Freedom fight against the alien rulers  - and wisely advised by the Father of the Nations to be disbanded )  that has become a  party of sycophants.
Unfortunately the crown prince could not live long as he was killed  by the conspiracy within the Party - it is believed  with  the help of its allies using the suicide elements from across the Southern border who felt badly let down by the uncrowned prince in the adventure of sending  military in aid of the Srilankan Government.
After that --
There was a period of sanity and sense in the INC when a crafty old politician from South took over the reins of the nation - though for a short while - and the nation was halted  in the path  leading to definite doom and gloom. Alas - the nitt gritty  crafty INC did not like a Southerner at the helm of affairs. And,  the seeds of Banana republic has been sown far and wide in the Indian national Congress.  The Party became subservient and synonymous with one person , the imported spouse of the late uncrowned Prince.

The Banana Plantation has grown and now ready to yield fruits - with the advent of alien  widow of the slain crown prince, taking the reins of the INC.
Thanks to foolhardy a behaviour of the leaders  BJP   -  (who forgot the people and the nation after coming to power) -   the only purported  counter to the INC,
 The INC - the One woman party  of sycophants once again usurped power with the  support of looters and swindlers  masquerading as  political parties that aim to bring up the different castes and communities in different States - formed on the basis of  language way back in 1956 by the first uncrowned monarch of Free India who believed that he  and his progeny are born to rule this country of Slaves.

Ever since INC  regained  power in 2004  spreading the slogan "  Congress Ke Hath Amm Admi ke Saath"  it has been showing Hand to the common people of this country. People have become subjects -
The  seven years reign of INC since 2004  has transformed  the Constitution of India   "for the party - by the party and for the party".
The INC can now be compared to an Ant Nest. One queen ant and the rest  workers / slaves..
All other living beings have no place to live on this land). The Ants would even  eat an  elephants  if allowed ) The INC is feeding on the people to benefit the queen - the alien widow of uncrowned prince.

Now, the hand picked Prime Minister ( not elected ) who is supposed to  hold the power  and decide the fate of this once great Nation - behaves as though he is sleep-alking - and led by his subordinates The PM of India is a sad story - a brilliant economist who  along with late PM Narasimha Rao stopped the country from going into an abyss  of debts and destruction - has now turned into a 'YesMadam Man'- presiding over   Super Scams  and showing  blind eye to the looters draining the wealth of nation.

 The root cause of the downfall is the Banana  Republic attitude of INC -

Now when the people - common ordinary people - like Anna Hazare are able to rouse the people in thousand and millions across the Nation to rise  their voice against Rampant corruption in the  Government at the centre and states - against the day light robbery  by the Politicians and Bureaucrats -  against utter misrule and absence any semblence of  order - while the PM sleeps - yet  makes a statement that he has never given a thought to resign  - the ruling party now  is totally engaged in  'how to hoodwink the people and derail the Jan Lokpal Bill'.

The INC is also a bit worried that situations like those in Egypt and Lybia could happen in this country too - ( the common people of India are too docile and  too dumb  -  but once their limit of tolerance is crossed  - no one can predict the mood and out come thereafter).
So the clever foxes in the INC are busy framing laws and rules that would enable the Authorities and the Government to infringe on  freedom of speech and expression.
These clever manipulators who are in  the Cabinet are intently working on  how to curb and curtail the awakened common man's only weapon - freedom of speech and expression - like the Internet - Forums and Blogs.

India that is Bharat is soon turning a Banana Republic
 It is time people - woke up and resisted this diabolic plan of the ruling class and the Alien queen.
Jai Hind - Jai Bharat

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